We long to be a church filled with people who joyfully proclaim, worship, and honor Christ together. We believe that commitment and accountability to a local church is vital for those who follow Jesus Christ. We walk out this commitment and accountabiliy through Baptism and Covenant Membership.
BaptismBaptism is the way someone publicly shows that they are trusting in Jesus Christ. The act of baptism does not save anyone, people are saved through the faith that baptism expresses. We can see that in these Scriptures
But even though baptism does not save us, it does have deep spiritual meaning.
Covenant MembershipOne reason we have membership is because in the New Testament, church members are to be involved in crucial decisions concerning budget and personnel and church discipline (Matthew 18:17; Acts 15:22). Therefore, it is important that church members be faithful believers who are submitted to Christ, and formal membership helps ensure this. Another reason we have membership is because it gives us an opportunity to make clear what commitments are involved in being part of a local church. These commitments are described in our Church Covenant. If you are interested in joining Grace Church, join us for our next Introduction to Grace Class, where we discuss:
Send us an email at mail@gracechurchabudhabi.com if you are interested in learning more about Baptism or Covenant Membership