Sermons from November 2018
Back to Sermon ArchiveNovember 30, 2018
Why Is the Gift of Prophecy so Important?
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Spiritual Gifts Topic: Spiritual Gifts, The Gift of Prophecy Passage: Acts 20:17– 21:14
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November 23, 2018
What Does God Promise to Do in the Last Days?
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Spiritual Gifts Topic: Spiritual Gifts Passage: Acts 2:14–18
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November 16, 2018
Jacob's Distresses and God's Faithfulness
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: What God Promises About Trials, God's Promises, God's Faithfuless Passage: Genesis 35:8–29
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November 9, 2018
The God Who Answers Us in Our Distress
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: God's Promises Passage: Genesis 34:1– 35:7
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November 2, 2018
God teaches Jacob the Essence of Faith
Speaker: Ben Smith Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Passage: Genesis 32:1– 33:20
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