Sermons from Genesis
Back to Sermon ArchiveApril 22, 2023
Why We Are All Without Excuse
Speaker: Aaron Lacey Series: Romans: God's Saving Power Revealed Topic: God's Judgment, Grace, Salvation Passage: Genesis 2:1–11
December 3, 2022
Jesus is the Son of Abraham
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: What Matthew Teaches About Jesus' Birth Topic: Christmas Passage: Matthew 1:1–17, Genesis 12:1–3
September 13, 2019
Eternal Life, God's Promises, and God's Sovereignty over Trials
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: Trials, God's Promises, God's Faithfuless Passage: Genesis 49:29– 50:26
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September 6, 2019
God's Forgiveness of Sinners, and Faithfulness to Sufferers
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: What God Promises About Trials, God's Faithfuless, God's Forgiveness Passage: Genesis 49:1–28
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August 30, 2019
Jacob's Faith-Building Last Words to Joseph
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: God's Promises Passage: Genesis 48:1–22
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August 23, 2019
Israel Prospers in Egypt yet Jacob Hopes for More
Speaker: Ben Smith Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: God's Promises Passage: Genesis 47:1–31
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August 16, 2019
God's Infinitely Wise Love for His People
Speaker: Ben Smith Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: God's Promises Passage: Genesis 46:1–34
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August 9, 2019
God's Providence and the Beauty of Reconciliation
Speaker: Ben Smith Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: Reconciliation Passage: Genesis 45:1–28
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August 2, 2019
God's Relentless Pursuit of Joseph's Brothers Hearts
Speaker: Ben Smith Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: Repentance Passage: Genesis 44:1–34
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July 26, 2019
The Danger of Complacency, and God's Heart Changing Power
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Passage: Genesis 42:29– 43:34
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July 20, 2019
What Happens When Joseph Meets His Brothers
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: Confessing Sin, Conviction of sin Passage: Genesis 41:47– 42:28
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July 12, 2019
While Joseph is Waiting, God is Working
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: Patience Passage: Genesis 40:1– 41:46
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June 28, 2019
How God Was with Joseph, and How Joseph Battled Sin
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: God's Faithful Presence, Fighting Sin, Resisting Temptation Passage: Genesis 39:1–23
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June 22, 2019
Judah's Sin, Confession, and Blessing
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: God's Forgiveness, Confessing Sin Passage: Genesis 38:1–30
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June 14, 2019
A Seemingly Hopeless Situation
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Joseph: Why Evil Can't Thwart God's Promises Topic: Hopelessness Passage: Genesis 37:1–36
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November 16, 2018
Jacob's Distresses and God's Faithfulness
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: What God Promises About Trials, God's Promises, God's Faithfuless Passage: Genesis 35:8–29
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November 9, 2018
The God Who Answers Us in Our Distress
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: God's Promises Passage: Genesis 34:1– 35:7
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November 2, 2018
God teaches Jacob the Essence of Faith
Speaker: Ben Smith Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Passage: Genesis 32:1– 33:20
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October 26, 2018
God Delivers Jacob from Seemingly Impossible Problems
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: What God Promises About Trials Passage: Genesis 30:25– 31:55
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October 19, 2018
Nothing Can Stop God's Promises (not Even Jacob's Messed-Up Family)
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: God's Promises, God's Faithfuless Passage: Genesis 29:31– 30:24
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October 12, 2018
How Jacob Handles the Problem of Finding a Wife
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: Problems Passage: Genesis 29:1–30
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October 5, 2018
How God Transforms Jacob -- and Us
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Topic: Spiritual Growth, Sanctification Passage: Genesis 28:1–22
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September 21, 2018
God's Unshakable Word and Isaac's Faith
Speaker: Ben Smith Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Passage: Genesis 27:1–46
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September 14, 2018
How God's Promises Free Us to Forgive Others
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Passage: Genesis 26:12–35
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September 7, 2018
How God's Promises Overcome Our Fears
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Passage: Genesis 26:1–13
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August 31, 2018
Why We Should Pray, Why God Shows Mercy, and How to Overcome Sin
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Passage: Genesis 25:19–34
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August 24, 2018
Why Study the Lives of Isaac and Jacob?
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Waiting for the Serpent-Crusher: the Lives of Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 25-36) Passage: Genesis 1:1– 36:43
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August 25, 2017
Lessons from Abraham's Life
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 12:1– 24:67
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August 18, 2017
God Promises a Wife for Isaac
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 24:1–67
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August 11, 2017
Abraham the Sojourner
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 23:1–20
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August 4, 2017
God Tests Abraham
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 22:1–24
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June 30, 2017
God Will Always Be With You
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 21:22–34
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June 23, 2017
The Birth of Isaac
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 21:1–21
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June 2, 2017
Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 18:1–15
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May 26, 2017
What Circumcision Teaches Us
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 17:1–27
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May 19, 2017
Encouragement to Help You Wait on the Lord
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 16:1–16
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May 12, 2017
God Reckons Abraham's Faith by Righteousness
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 15:1–21
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May 5, 2017
How to be a Blessing
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 31:1– 15:1
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April 28, 2017
Abraham's Faith and the Promise of Salvation
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: The Life of Abraham Passage: Genesis 12:1–20
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January 6, 2017
God's Promise to Abraham
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 12:1–3
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December 30, 2016
Racism, Pride, and the Spread of Sin
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 10:1– 11:9
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November 25, 2016
Judgment, and a New Beginning -- but Sin Continues
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 8:1– 9:29
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November 18, 2016
How to Obey God When It's Hard
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 6:1– 7:24
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November 4, 2016
Our Sin Displays God's Mercy
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 6:1–22
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October 28, 2016
Our Sin and God's Salvation
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 4:1– 5:32
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October 21, 2016
The Fall
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 3:1–24
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October 14, 2016
The Garden, the Tree, and Marriage
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 2:4–25
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October 7, 2016
God Creates the Heavens and the Earth
Speaker: Steve Fuller Series: Genesis: Creation, Fall, Blessing Passage: Genesis 1:1– 2:3
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