Our Story
Grace Church Abu Dhabi was launched in 2015 by Steve and Jan Fuller moved to Abu Dhabi, through the Lord leading the Evangelical Community Church and New Life Church to plant a new church in Abu Dhabi.
After God gave Steve a dream in 2014, in which he was being sent out from the church he was serving at in San Jose, CA to some other ministry, he heard about this church-planting opportunity in Abu Dhabi. As Steve, Jan, and their fellow leaders at the San Jose church prayed, and as the leaders from the Evangelical Community Church and the New Life Church prayed, God confirmed that this was his call.
Steve and Jan moved to Abu Dhabi in April 2015, and God started calling people to join them in planting a church which would experience Jesus’ grace, love each other, and reach out to others with Jesus’ grace.
Grace Church started meeting as two Home Groups and established a foundation of living by faith in Christ, deep love for each other and reaching out to the lost. Then on December 18, 2015, started Friday Worship Gatherings at the Westin Hotel for Christ-centered worship and preaching from God’s Word.
In 2019, the church was outgrowing the space available at the Westin and moved the Friday Worship Gatherings to the Radisson Blu Hotel on Yas Island. God poured out an abundance of grace upon the church, as we saw God moving powerfully through our services and our Home Groups multiply throughout the city.
During the Covid pandemic, the church was no longer able to meet at the Radisson Blu and we have been meeting on Saturdays at The Evangelical Church on Island until we are able to meet at the hotels again. This hasn't stopped God from moving through the ministry of Grace Church and we are excited to see the plans He has in store.
We praise God for the strong Bible-preaching and Jesus-honoring churches God is raising up in Abu Dhabi, and are thrilled to be part of what God is doing in this part of the world.
Our Vision
Grace Church is all about receiving and sharing the lavish grace of God which he has given us in Christ Jesus.
We do not receive this grace by trying to be good enough.
We receive this grace by understanding that on the cross Jesus was punished in our place for our sins, and by trusting him as our Savior, Lord, and Treasure.
The moment we trust Christ, his grace flows into our lives – forgiving us, satisfying us, and changing us.
As we grow in trusting him, we receive more and more of his grace, and have the joy of sharing God’s grace with others.
That’s what Grace Church is all about.
So join us in receiving and sharing God’s lavish grace in Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in learning more about Grace Church Abu Dhabi, connect with us, or email with any questions.